Thursday 26 March 2015

Here cometh the weekend...

What will you be doing this weekend?
Is it time out for you - or time to get to work!

Usually it's my time to really get into work.
Friday's and Saturday's are the day when I work hardest.

Maybe this weekend is going to be the start of  a new idea - a new project?
Maybe it will see something you have been planning for a long time finally come off and be a great success?
Maybe it will not go as well as anticipated - and there will be some things that you can learn to do differently next time?

Do not be deterred!
Keep those dreams alive and keep making money one $ at a time.
and if you choose to chill out...

Enjoy it - and stop worrying about work..
It will still be there on Monday waiting for you.

Have a good one!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Beware the Open Door!

Some people are SO afraid of change.
Some people are SO afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
And yes...I was/am one of them.

Change can be frightening.
But it can also bring so many new opportunities.
Its a matter of weighing up the pros and cons of not taking the risk to try something new.

Thats right...who knows what you will find behind a new doorway.

But if you dont open the door you will never know.

I am terrified of public speaking - yet I force myself to go there.
I still feel the fear and I can panic for days beforehand.

But...I still do it.

Not because I enjoy the pain but because I believe that I have something to say and also because it is a great way of meeting people.

My next big public speaking event comes in May - I am a guest speaker at a conference.
I have chosen to do this - I didnt have to.
But I am now committed.

This could be an opening door .

What do I have to lose?
Well being embarrassed about being nervous, stumbling over words perhaps...looking incompetent or maybe sending my audience to sleep with boredom.

Oh well.....
Or will be fun and people will find my lecture interesting?
Maybe I can prove to myself that I can handle this and it will open the next door for me somewhere down the deep long and dark corridor that is my life - who knows!

I am choosing to be brave!

Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Ghost Coach says "Stop with those selfies already!!!!"

What is it with selfies?
Why are we so obsessed with showing people every single thing that we are doing at every minute of the day?
We are drowning in our own self importance!!

Now I know that we are often the 'face' of our businesses -  but you can take it a little too far sometimes.
Ofcourse if your business is all about you appearing in the latest fashions, or being seen at all of the local hotspots with other fabulously famous people well....those selfies are what people expect right?
But what about some content?
A story?
A feature on, heaven forbid....someone else?
maybe someone who is appearing in that photo with you?
It will make them feel important and valued.

I have been to several facebook pages lately and post after post after post is just an ad for whatever dress that personality is wearing or who did their hair with # after #.

Here I am at #shithotplacerightnow wearing #shithotfashionlabel and my hair is by #shithothairdresserintown and shoes and handbag by #anotherbrandthatgavemethisforfree with my best gal pal #whatshernameanyway

Just frankly boring.

You will have admirers that want more than just the next pic of you featuring another duck pout!

Content ladies (and gentlemen) - show us you also have a brain behind that beautiful face.


Tuesday 3 March 2015

The show must go on!

Today has not been a good day.

One of our furry family members had to be sent over the rainbow bridge - a more dedicated and loyal doggie would be hard to find. We were blessed to have him for so long.

I bought little "Chopper" 14 years ago from the RSPCA and he grew up at our place and then he went to my parents in law as a welcomed addition to their family as a companion dog.

And so my husband took him on his last journey out this afternoon so that he could finally find rest and peace after a long illness and difficult times. Freddy Mercury from Queen sings....the show must go on!

Customers and clients often dont really care if you are sad or whether you have just had a major argument with a family member or lost a bucket load of money on your last project.
They dont care what your problem is when they call you up or walk into you shop.

They want your goods or services and if you are off colour ...well frankly....that's your problem and not theirs.

It is up to you whether you are the type of person who would rather keep busy through tough times....or would rather head to a darkened room and sit in a corner.

If you are the latter....take time out and do it.
Dontr try to be a trooper and soldier on.

Take time to be real and grieve, mourn, be sad, work out a problem and stay away from those clients!
You will not do yourself or your business any good by battling on.
Either hang up the "closed' sign for a day or two or get someone to take your place.
Give yourself time to breathe.

The show might have to go on but YOU dont have to be the main attraction!

Today I spent the day keeping busy - this time I felt that this was the best way for me to get through it.

As my pets are family to me I am sure that I will have a moment this evening to take time out to send my love to our dearest "Chops" - I am sure he is playing pain free and eating all the bones he can in that great doggie heaven as I write.