Thursday 26 March 2015

Here cometh the weekend...

What will you be doing this weekend?
Is it time out for you - or time to get to work!

Usually it's my time to really get into work.
Friday's and Saturday's are the day when I work hardest.

Maybe this weekend is going to be the start of  a new idea - a new project?
Maybe it will see something you have been planning for a long time finally come off and be a great success?
Maybe it will not go as well as anticipated - and there will be some things that you can learn to do differently next time?

Do not be deterred!
Keep those dreams alive and keep making money one $ at a time.
and if you choose to chill out...

Enjoy it - and stop worrying about work..
It will still be there on Monday waiting for you.

Have a good one!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Beware the Open Door!

Some people are SO afraid of change.
Some people are SO afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
And yes...I was/am one of them.

Change can be frightening.
But it can also bring so many new opportunities.
Its a matter of weighing up the pros and cons of not taking the risk to try something new.

Thats right...who knows what you will find behind a new doorway.

But if you dont open the door you will never know.

I am terrified of public speaking - yet I force myself to go there.
I still feel the fear and I can panic for days beforehand.

But...I still do it.

Not because I enjoy the pain but because I believe that I have something to say and also because it is a great way of meeting people.

My next big public speaking event comes in May - I am a guest speaker at a conference.
I have chosen to do this - I didnt have to.
But I am now committed.

This could be an opening door .

What do I have to lose?
Well being embarrassed about being nervous, stumbling over words perhaps...looking incompetent or maybe sending my audience to sleep with boredom.

Oh well.....
Or will be fun and people will find my lecture interesting?
Maybe I can prove to myself that I can handle this and it will open the next door for me somewhere down the deep long and dark corridor that is my life - who knows!

I am choosing to be brave!

Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Ghost Coach says "Stop with those selfies already!!!!"

What is it with selfies?
Why are we so obsessed with showing people every single thing that we are doing at every minute of the day?
We are drowning in our own self importance!!

Now I know that we are often the 'face' of our businesses -  but you can take it a little too far sometimes.
Ofcourse if your business is all about you appearing in the latest fashions, or being seen at all of the local hotspots with other fabulously famous people well....those selfies are what people expect right?
But what about some content?
A story?
A feature on, heaven forbid....someone else?
maybe someone who is appearing in that photo with you?
It will make them feel important and valued.

I have been to several facebook pages lately and post after post after post is just an ad for whatever dress that personality is wearing or who did their hair with # after #.

Here I am at #shithotplacerightnow wearing #shithotfashionlabel and my hair is by #shithothairdresserintown and shoes and handbag by #anotherbrandthatgavemethisforfree with my best gal pal #whatshernameanyway

Just frankly boring.

You will have admirers that want more than just the next pic of you featuring another duck pout!

Content ladies (and gentlemen) - show us you also have a brain behind that beautiful face.


Tuesday 3 March 2015

The show must go on!

Today has not been a good day.

One of our furry family members had to be sent over the rainbow bridge - a more dedicated and loyal doggie would be hard to find. We were blessed to have him for so long.

I bought little "Chopper" 14 years ago from the RSPCA and he grew up at our place and then he went to my parents in law as a welcomed addition to their family as a companion dog.

And so my husband took him on his last journey out this afternoon so that he could finally find rest and peace after a long illness and difficult times. Freddy Mercury from Queen sings....the show must go on!

Customers and clients often dont really care if you are sad or whether you have just had a major argument with a family member or lost a bucket load of money on your last project.
They dont care what your problem is when they call you up or walk into you shop.

They want your goods or services and if you are off colour ...well frankly....that's your problem and not theirs.

It is up to you whether you are the type of person who would rather keep busy through tough times....or would rather head to a darkened room and sit in a corner.

If you are the latter....take time out and do it.
Dontr try to be a trooper and soldier on.

Take time to be real and grieve, mourn, be sad, work out a problem and stay away from those clients!
You will not do yourself or your business any good by battling on.
Either hang up the "closed' sign for a day or two or get someone to take your place.
Give yourself time to breathe.

The show might have to go on but YOU dont have to be the main attraction!

Today I spent the day keeping busy - this time I felt that this was the best way for me to get through it.

As my pets are family to me I am sure that I will have a moment this evening to take time out to send my love to our dearest "Chops" - I am sure he is playing pain free and eating all the bones he can in that great doggie heaven as I write.

Thursday 26 February 2015

You are the face of your business!

Us small business owners need to remember that we are the 'face' of our business.
Sometimes I head to the local service station to fill the car up with fuel and let's say I don't look my best - daggy jeans, crappy old shirt and hair in a scrunchie - all I want to do is slip in and out and grab some petrol or a bottle of milk and then, you can guarantee that there is always someone who says "Hi!!"So excited to come on to your next tour" or "I was following your car last week!!"
Err...were you?
I hope I wasn't singing in the car or feeding my face.
Damn - was I picking my nose? ( nah! I don't do that).

But... I do have to remember that when I am out and about I am visible and therefore should be aware that people will see me and if I forget to be well dressed or my hair isn't perfect I will be judged for that.

I know shallow.
We cannot always be at our best.
Nor do we want to be.
Sometimes its just about taking it easy - we are not at work 24/7.
Yet, if we or our business is easily recognizable (especially if you drive around in a car that advertises your business) you will be noticed even when you least want to be.

Most of all remember that no matter how bad you think you might look - its all about your passion.

Your passion and your conversation and enthusiasm will always shine through.
So dont worry if you look like you just got out of bed - dazzle them with your sensational banter about YOUR BUSINESS!
Have your spiel down pat and before they know it they wont be looking at your torn and crumpled T shirt - they will be walking away googling your facebook page.

Love what you do and it will show above all else.
We cannot all be Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt but we can be the best that we can be.

The Ghost Coach says: Be passionate about your business - be your business!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

All I do is keep waiting....

Do you seem to spend lots of time waiting for people to turn up to your events?
Waiting, waiting, waiting.....

Do you also face that daunting task of holding back your real thoughts and words as you send the 10th email requesting payment or getting clients to confirm bookings?

You may be holding a seat in your restaurant for a client that doesnt turn up - you have stayed open for them, you have bought food ready for their order, you have staff to cater to them and you deny another paying customer that spot because someone has told you that they WILL be coming... and then they dont even call to tell you that they wont be there!

You may be running a workshop (and this has been my latest experience) and you have 10 people enthusiastically tell you that they will be attending - they will DEFINITELY be there!!
Yes, they are coming.....

On the night two people turn up!
What happened to the other eight?
Was there something good on TV?

So, does it pay me to do a workshop with two people?

I am renting space.
I have printed workshop material.
I have prepared a light supper.
I have spent my time.
I have just lost money...

Shit happens - things happen that mean that people cannot come to things that they would really want to - money is tight, family gets sick, the car breaks down.

But all you need to do is CALL!!!!!!
Thats all that needs to happen - just message me!!!!
But I am speaking to the are the one with the problem - so how do we work this out so we dont feel like strangling people?

It makes us become hard nosed and demanding  - asking for full payments, having to check three times whether people are coming with annoying messages on mobiles or just stopping delivering services all together because we cannot just be bothered.
We lose our sense of TRUST in our clients.

I am in a business that really focuses on good will between myself and those that come on my tours - I dont want to be the tough gal who has to tell people off for being jerks for not considering the consequences of their inaction. I don't want to be 'big brother'...
But I am running out of options and patience.
Being NICE is just not working.

This is so frustrating for small business people who are the FACE of their business - you cannot be the arsehole who is demanding and the good guy as well.
A great business mentor who has been there and done that is worth their weight in gold to pull you into line and to show you the best way to handle this situation.

Remember...nice does not pay the bills.
I still try to give people the benefit of the doubt and in most cases I get bitten by them.

You may lose some customers or clients that always expect freebees, something for nothing or want to get away with blue murder you want them anyway?

If you are currently losing money by catering to those that do not value what you have to offer - it is time to re - evaluate.

The Ghost Coach says - Value what you have to offer - you will never please everyone anyway.

Sunday 22 February 2015

The other person's job always looks better than your own!

Well sometimes it is!

My job is pretty cool - I wouldn't call it a job though.
Its maybe more like an 'over active' hobby that has just gotten out of control.

But it has it's pitfalls too.
People say - wow wouldnt it be great to do what you do - you are sooooo lucky!
As if I won this job in a raffle or lottery.
No...It took five years of sweat and hard work to get me to this point and I am no where near satisfied yet.
I can still do more.

But I know that if I fail then I have no one else to blame but myself.
Also -
I have a new found respect for small business owners!

Boy don't they all work hard!
And often they don't even take a wage!
Yep they work all week and don't take a wage.
I don't!

Now do you still want to do that job you say is so great?

The thing to remember is that ALL jobs have their good and their bad bits - no matter how good you thing a job may be you only really get to know it when you get to do it.

Maybe its time to change something about your job?
Or your business?
Its never too late in improve what you do and be happy.

As Einstein said:

The Ghost Coach says: Realize when it is time to make the changes you need to move your business forward or to move yourself out of your current situation. Dont waste the opportunity when it presents itself.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Just another promotional video!

I just spent 20 minutes of my life that I wont get back watching a promotional video that promised me the world - for a full 15 minutes....
and more promises....and after 15 minutes I was still waiting to hear what in the hell it was going to be that would change my life so dramatically.
In the end I gave up at around 20 minutes...
I still hadnt heard the magic formula - they were too busy trying to hypnotise me with their bull shit.

Really...if you are that sure that you are going to change my life with your product cant you just tell me in 5 minutes?

I dont have time to sit through your long winded rubbish just to get that hard sell in the last few dying seconds of your very expensive promotional selfie that was 20 minutes long with great graphics and impressive stats and lots of angles of YOU just talking in front of a white background...when you could have done it all in under five minutes!

Is this how new age marketing is done?

I must be getting old.

The Ghost Coach says - Create great promotional videos - they are super cool tools to sell your products but make them short and to the point - people dont have time to wade through bull shit any more.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Never knock back the ability to gain some good luck!

The Ghost Coach says: Take every opportunity to grab your portion of "Good Luck" however you can get it!
May the Good Luck Chinese dragons come and sprinkle bucket loads of happy dust on you this Chinese New Year.

Monday 16 February 2015

Haters gonna hate!

We can turn ourselves inside out trying to be everything for everyone and still not succeed.
You better learn quickly that you just cannot please everyone all the time.

In fact, if you end up pleasing a few people most of the time and yourself 90% of the time consider yourself doing very well.

Some people have an agenda to just not like anything.
They will always have something to complain about.

I did a new tour today for the very first time and so provided feedback forms for my guests to fill out.

I hate feedback forms!

Most replies were pretty good - 
One person did say that in their opinion some people on the tour  'asked too many questions'.
Another said that the tour was 'too long'
While another said it was 'too short'
Well I did ask.....

Everyone has an opinion.
Choose to listen to the ones that are constructive.

The Ghost Coach says - Stop trying to please everyone - you will never succeed.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Good Ideas are worth sharing!

Developing contacts are vital for small businesses.
Having a list of people that you can share and work with can grow your reach as you create a new set of followers as new contacts discover what you have to offer.

I have spent to weekend in 'collaborative' efforts that have allowed me to make loads of new contacts which I might have found hard to get on my own.
Collaboration with other local businesses to create events opened my unique business up to so many new people.
But remember!
Good collaborative agreements mean that everyone benefits equally.

There is no point of creating contacts with those you do not trust or you feel may not add anything to your business - remember that you ARE your business and who you choose to work with will have ramifications to your reputation and sometimes even in your personal life.

Sometimes the risk of working with a 'mad scientist' may seem enticing but it can literally blow up in your face.
Mad scientists have whacky ideas that can be fun and can be imaginative but will they be successful?

Check for experience in those you choose to work alongside.
Look at what they are currently doing on facebook and on their webpages.
Speak to people who have had past experiences with them.
Take time to get to know them first.
 Working together with other local small businesses can be such a great area of growth potential.

All relationships, even business ones, require a level of trust so don't do anything unless you are ready and have thought it through.

The Ghost Coach says - there are so many opportunities in small business for great collaborative projects! Don't be scared to work with others.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Lucky Friday 13th

Now instead of even considering that Friday 13th might be a bad omen, go out and work your own personal sort of magic today and create a day filled with luck, laughter and lots of potential.
The Ghost Coach says: The harder I work the luckier I get!

Wednesday 11 February 2015

I'm such a has been!

 Sometimes the world can make you feel redundant -
Too old
Too ugly
Too fat
Too smart
Too educated
Too skilled
Too dumb
Too quiet
Too loud
Too available
Not available enough
Not fitting the new company dynamic...
Not prepared to re invent yourself
(for the 30th time)
Not prepared to sell your soul to the devil!
You are only partially your job description.
The rest of you is still real and human and still something other than an employer or employee.

I know that the job market is shite.
I had to create a job for myself a few years ago,
Im glad I did although it still doesnt pay the bills.
This crap about 'do what you love and it will never feel like work" is harp strings stuff.
Sure ...its better to get up and do what you like to do than what you hate to do.
Often though, its a compromise.
Sometimes you juts have to do stuff you dont like doing.....for a very....long....time.

We dont all have the ability to just pick and choose.

And then....after you years of can be made to feel like a has been.
You lose face.
Respect for yourself.
You lose money.
You may even lose your assets.

No doubting it - its tough.

But never ever lose hope.
Things change and we all just have to keep trying our best.

That is all anyone of us can do.

The Ghost Coach says "Never give up on yourself"

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Famous last words..Trust me!

I have done a wide range of things over the years.
I have worked for others and I have worked with others.
I have been taken to some of the darkest of places when it has come to "trusting" others and in many of those circumstances I have been let down and disappointed.

I have been the pawn in game playing and power positioning.
I have been used as a scape goat for others indulging themselves in financially fraudulent activities and then forced to clear my name while they walk away as pure as the driven snow.
I have even been led down the garden path by good friends who have ended up having hidden agendas and their friendships have been just a sham.

What hurts the most in these circumstances -
Losing money -of course.
Starting over, having your good name tainted by association  - yes.
Embarrassment and feeling that you have been an idiot for not seeing an out of control situation sooner -Doh!

But most of all it is about having been lied to and seeing that trusting relationship that you had developed with people broken.

Once trust is broken things will never be the same and your decision must be to then move on or try and repair the damage.
In my experience repairing the damage has never worked.
It has been better to clear up all business dealings and just move on.

Some of us are trusting souls and we would like to think that others have the same moral standards as we do.
News Flash - they dont!

The Ghost Coach says:
Choose your business partners wisely. 
Good business partnerships are built on a foundation of trust.

Friday 6 February 2015

Sensational Saturday - wake up and smell the opportunities!

Thursday 5 February 2015

The Best Day of the week - Friday!

We sometimes become so very serious with our businesses in trying to please everyone else all of the time.
Trying to be who we are not - trying to fit into the framework that says "do it this way" or you will fail.
Small business is a mine field of mistakes, failures and achievements and the only way out is to find a safe path - YOUR PATH.
Take the advice of others with a grain of salt - use your own intuition to find your way.

Oh..except when your Ghost Coach gives you a seriously good bit of advice.
Then I do suggest you follow that lead - or it may haunt you forever!!!